Author: Keep The Smile

As the warm sun graces us with its presence during the summer months, we eagerly embrace the joys of the season. However, for those with sensitive teeth, the pleasures of summer treats like ice cream and cold drinks can become sources of discomfort. In this article, we will explore how sensitive teeth can be impacted during the summer, discuss effective strategies for caring for sensitive teeth, and provide helpful tips on managing sensitivity to make the most of this vibrant season. Understanding Sensitive Teeth and Summer Sensitivities Sensitive teeth occur when the protective layer of enamel on our teeth becomes…

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Face yoga is making the headlines of social media content. From tips to apps and workshops, face yoga seems to be everywhere you look. So what’s the deal? What is face yoga exactly, how does it work, and what are its benefits? Read on to learn everything you need about face yoga. What is face yoga? As its name indicates, face yoga is a set of exercises and massages that targets your face, neck, and shoulders. It is considered a holistic workout and is believed sometimes to replace botox. Face yoga has been found to be effective in strengthening your…

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Friendship is a vital aspect of our lives, and it can profoundly impact our mental health and well-being. In fact, research has shown that having strong social connections can improve our mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and even boost our physical health. How friendship can help your mental health Here are some ways that friendship can improve your mental health: Provides emotional support. Having close friends to talk to and confide in can provide a valuable source of emotional support. When we’re going through a difficult time or facing a challenge, having someone to lean on can help us feel…

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Bruxism is a common condition that affects many people around the world. It is characterized by the grinding or clenching of teeth, often during sleep or subconsciously during the day. While occasional teeth grinding is not harmful, chronic bruxism can have negative effects on oral health, including tooth damage, jaw pain, and headaches. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for bruxism. We will also examine the ways in which bruxism can impact overall health and well-being, and provide tips and strategies for managing and overcoming the condition. Whether you are dealing with bruxism yourself…

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Do you have a bad habit of biting your nails? While it may seem harmless, nail-biting can have a negative impact on your oral health and teeth. In this article, we’ll explore the various ways that nail-biting can affect your teeth and oral health. Nail biting’s effect on teeth and gums Nail biting, also known as onychophagia, can have negative effects on both teeth and gums. When someone bites their nails, they put a lot of pressure on their teeth, which can lead to chipping, cracking, or even shifting of teeth over time. Additionally, nails can harbor bacteria and germs,…

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Ramadan is a holy month, a time of spiritual reflection, fasting, prayer, and giving to the less fortunate. As the month of Ramadan approaches, it is important to start preparing both mentally and physically. Why it is important to prepare for Ramadan Preparing both mentally and physically is essential to fully benefit from the spiritual and physical benefits of Ramadan.Mentally preparing for Ramadan involves focusing on your spiritual goals and intentions for the month. This helps to create a positive mindset and reinforce your commitment to observing the fast and engaging in acts of worship and charity. By setting achievable…

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Mother’s Day is celebrated in various parts of the world on different dates, but in the Arab world, it’s typically celebrated on March 21st, the first day of Spring. This date was chosen by the Arab Women’s Union in 1956 and has since been adopted by many countries in the region, including Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. This day provides an opportunity for people in the region to show their appreciation and love for the most important woman in their lives: their mother. In this article, we will…

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Do you usually see the glass half-empty or half-full? Optimism is an attitude. It is basically believing and having hope in the fact that a situation or outcome of something specific will be favorable and positive. It is said that someone optimistic will always expect the best result and think of the best-case scenario as opposed to worrying and imagining the worst. Being optimistic can only give you positivity in your life. While it is believed that preparing for the worst can also save you, preparing for the best makes you happier in the present moment. And what’s more important…

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Having dental porcelain veneers doesn’t come without its disadvantages. For one, they are permanent and their removal is not an option once placed. Second, they can cause tooth sensitivity, and third, they can also be damaged if not taken care of properly. Moreover, dental veneers cannot replace healthy teeth and gums and should never be placed to hide serious dental problems. Before veneers are considered, your dental health professional will make sure there are no underlying issues, like tooth decay and periodontal disease. Only after any issue has been removed, can you have your dental veneers placed. Having said all…

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Having steady habits such as brushing your teeth twice a day and going for checkups regularly are important to keep teeth and gums healthy. However, proper oral health goes beyond cavities and gum disease. In fact, there is a strong relationship between oral health and general health in individuals. When left without treatment, tooth decay and gum disease can lead to tooth loss, malnutrition, and problems in speech, and extend into other challenges in a person’s professional life, school life, or general personal life. It goes without saying that these problems can be avoided with proper dental care. A combination…

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We already spoke about braces and some useful advice for braces wearers but have we warned you about common problems that may occur during that braces wearing phase?  Braces are used by orthodontists to help correct overcrowded or crooked teeth, and sometimes overbite. If you are considering braces or getting them soon, here are a few things to watch out for.  Common problems to watch out for when wearing braces Poor dental hygiene. Wearing braces will definitely make it harder than usual to brush or floss your teeth. They will also trap food particles, which might possibly lead to plaque,…

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People with sensitive teeth know what it is to be denied the possibility to enjoy life’s little pleasures. Forget not being able to enjoy an ice cream or a warm cup of coffee, sensitive teeth can easily make us irritable and in pain. Some sensitive teeth facts Dr. Al Sayed affirms that more than 60% of people have naturally sensitive teeth. This is mostly caused by genetics, thin enamel, or damaged teeth. Dr. Adel adds that tooth sensitivity or gum burns are among the most important dental problems faced by many. What are the causes of sensitive teeth? According to…

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It is a fact of life that a smile goes a long way in our quest for happiness, don’t you agree? With a smile, you can attract so many good things – a relationship, a good business deal, friends, beauty, and the list goes on and on. Many factors contribute to our smiles, our confidence in smiling, and our positive attitude. The multiple benefits of a smile Did you know that a simple smile has the actual power of changing our lives? Scientifically, it was observed that smiling releases 3 important neurotransmitters that affect our overall mood. By smiling, your…

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