Bleeding gums are painful and can put us in a really cranky mood. Drs Madan and Sharaf give us some tips to protect your gums and avoid the uncomfortable feeling of bleeding ones.
Tips to protect your gums and keep them from bleeding
1- Use a soft toothbrush. Soft toothbrushes are more gentle on your gums and help prevent receding gums and tooth roots from being exposed.
2- Floss daily. Flossing will remove the plaque to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria causing a cavity.
3- Use mouthwash daily. Mouthwash helps reduce the bacteria in your mouth, which reduces the amount of dental plaque that forms on the teeth. Regular use of mouthwash helps prevent periodontal disease and reduces cavities.
4- Do not rinse your mouth after using mouthwash. The main reason for this is that many types of mouthwash contain ingredients such as chlorhexidine in case of bleeding gum or fluoride in case to prevent decay that needs time to have an effect on teeth. If you rinse your mouth out straight after, the fluoride will also be washed away.
Last but not least, don’t forget to visit your dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups and cleaning!
For effective oral care products, we recommend the Elgydium products